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A ‘Teddy Clinic’ Helps to Ease Children’s Fears of Hospital

teddy bear

We found an article from ABC News that we just had to share, it was too cute.

A group of German medical students have helped find a way to ease the fear of young children about being in a hospital- through the use of teddy bears and other stuffed animals. They hosted an event where they could help cure, test, and do surgery on stuffed animals (with imaginary illnesses, of course).

It is said that about 90% of children have fears and anxieties about hospitals and doctors. The students used a mix of real and fake instruments to help diagnose and treat the critters, including the use of x-rays and CT scans.

Some even had make-believe consultations and prescriptions given to them! One stuffed dragon needed to have an operation done, which gave his owner the chance to learn about sterility. So not only were the children involved in the process, they got to learn about what goes on in doctors rooms to make it all seem less scary.

Seeing that their favorite stuffed animals turned out ok, and stepping into the roles of doctors themselves helped them see the importance of the doctor’s jobs and see that it isn’t really all that scary. When you take a look at the original article (link at the bottom of the post) you will see that the children were even dressed up in scrubs and hair nets to get the full effect.

However, we are pleased to say that occasionally all that was needed to get the job done was a simple Band-Aid.

Stuffed animals have always been known to bring comfort in times of need, but it is simply heartwarming to see their affect at work like this.

Tell me, when have stuffed animals come to the rescue for you?

Check out the article from ABC News here.

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What You Want to Be When You Grow Up

Children are known for having their great imaginations and playing pretend. Adults would always ask, what do you want to be when you’re older? What do you want to do when you grow up?

Here are some of the most popular answers:



Astronaut: many kids of going into space. There is nothing cooler to kids than rocket ships, aliens, and stars. Children are meant to explore and see what’s out there!




Dancers: girls especially will dream of being dancers and showing their moves on stage- whether that’s through ballet, tap, hip hop, jazz, or other styles.





Athletes: Who wouldn’t like to have a job doing something they already like to do? Playing sports is one dream of many children and is a goal to reach for that is actually fun!





Vets: The best way to spend the day is with animals, right? Many children want to help animals that are hurt and make the world a better place for their furry friends.




Pilot: How cool would it be to be able to fly a plane?! Everyone would look like ants from up there! But seriously, kids love the idea of being able to fly and go somewhere new and exciting.





Doctor: Some kids have big hearts and want to make others feel better and possibly even give them surgery. We won’t tell them about the medical school they have to go through first.





Military: From a young age, children might get the urge to serve their country and fight for freedom.




No matter what they decide they want to be, as parents and family the best thing that we can do for them is encourage them to live their dreams and work toward their goal. Giving them a stuffable animal with a special outfit is a great way to do just that.

Check out the site to learn more!