Chances are if you child has one stuffed animal, they have plenty more. Lots of times, this collection of animals can grow out of control, hanging on to every stuffed animal they’ve acquired over the years. You’ll need to cut back, but which ones do you keep and which ones do you donate? Read on to learn more:
More isn’t necessarily better
The only thing unique about having a stuffed animal collection of over 100 is the size. What do you do with all of them? How many are the same stuffed animal, or at least the same animal? Having a variety of stuffed animals will make your collection stand out more. Try and get rid of animals you have duplicates of or ones that are the same animal.
Movie and TV characters
In every collection, it’s always a good idea to have a stuffed animal of your child’s favorite Disney movie character or TV character. Adding a Simba or Sponge Bob Square Pants to the collection will show a pop culture side to your child and even how they become a fan of a movie or character at an early age. Plus, some of these stuffed animals can turn into collectables or even valuables as time goes on.
Sentimental value
A stuffed animal may not look special, but it can be special to your child. You never want to throw away any stuffed animal that has sentimental value. That’s why, when you’re sorting through stuffed animals, make sure you get your child’s input. They’ll know best which animals are special to them.
For more child caring and stuffed animal tips, read through our blog at The Zoo Factory today!