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4 Ways to Store and Display Your Stuffed Animal Collection

Stuffed Animals in a Wicker Basket

Your stuffed animal collection is something to be proud of, but even we admit that all those stuffed animals can have a downside—namely, they can take up a lot of space. The quickest solution is just to shove them all into a box, but then no one will see them. Instead, try some of these storage tricks to both keep your room clean and display your stuffed animals proudly:


A toy hammock

A quick and easy way to store your stuffed animals is to set up a hammock in the corner of the room. This will keep the stuffed animals well out of the way, but also within sight. For young children, keep a step stool somewhere close so that they can grab them if the need arises, and if you find one hammock isn’t enough, then set up another in another corner of the room.


Shelves are great for storing and displaying lots of things, stuffed animals included. You can have one long shelf at the top of your room, or multiple smaller shelves along the wall. Just make sure the shelves are deep enough for your stuffed animals to fit (and stay) up there.


Big or small, baskets are a neat way (literally) to collect and display all of those stuffed animals. Get some colorful baskets with a design that goes well with the room. Then just put them in the corner on the floor, or on a shelf. Bigger stuffed animals should go towards the bottom of the basket, while smaller ones should go up top.

A hanging bench

If you want to get really creative, you can always make your own hanging bench. It’s surprisingly simple to make, only needing wood, hooks, and some rope, and you can customize it all you want. The three-tiered design will give you plenty of space to store all of your stuffed animals.

With these ideas, you should now be able to show off your stuffed animal collection while also keeping your room nice and clean. And if you’re wanting to grow that stuffed animal collection of yours, then take a look at The Zoo Factory. From teddy bears to dinosaurs, we have all sorts of stuffed animals for you or your child to choose from.

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How to Clean Your Old Stuffed Animals

Teddy Bear in a Bath

Your old teddy has been with you through thick and thin. New schools, new jobs, new places, you’ve brought that teddy with you everywhere. Maybe you’ve even passed it on to your son or daughter, who has proceeded to take teddy with them on their own adventures. But the years have taken a toll on ol’ teddy, and he just doesn’t look as good as he did all those years ago. If that’s the case, it really is time to give him a good cleaning, not just for your own sake (as stuffed animals can easily become germ magnets) but for his sake too. Here’s how:

Hand-washing stuffed animals

You may groan at the idea of hand-washing something, but it really is the safest route for your stuffed animal. Especially if they have glued-on items, delicate clothing, or are a few decades old, you should really be hand-washing them. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

Step 1: Fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water and detergent

Step 2: Wash using a pumping motion

Step 3: Let it soak for 30-60 minutes depending on its condition

Step 4: Rinse until free of suds

Step 5: Squeeze out any water and let it dry on a towel, using a hair dryer to fluff up the fur

Machine-washing stuffed animals

If you determine that your stuffed animal can be safely machine-washed, then the process is pretty straight-forward. Just follow these tips to help your stuffed animal come out in one piece:

  • Use the gentlest cycle on your washing machine
  • Use cold water and mild detergent
  • Place it into a mesh bag if possible
  • Let it air-dry on a towel, using a hair dryer to fluff up the fur

And voila! Your old friend looks just like new.

But as much as you love your old teddy, you can never have too many stuffed animals. If you feel like your teddy could us a new companion, then stop by The Zoo Factory to see all of the stuffable animals that we offer!

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How Teddy Bear Clinics Are Changing Doctors’ Appointments

Playing Doctor with Stuffed Animal

Many children hate going to the doctors. Adults don’t like it much either, but for children the doctors’ office is filled with a lot unknown, scary things. Unfamiliar faces, strange equipment, and painful shots are just a few of the things they have to deal with at their annual checkup. No wonder, then, that our children often scream and cry throughout their appointment. However, a recent trend is aiming to change that.

What are teddy bear clinics?

Across the country, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and children’s programs have started hosting annual “teddy bear clinics”—a place to take your favorite teddy to get their annual check-up, just like you or your child would.  They go through the usual routines, talking with nurses, getting their shots, and checking their heart all with the child standing beside them, even helping. Some clinics even have the children perform the procedures themselves, and once it’s over, the teddy bear gets its diagnosis and heads home with any recommendations on how to improve their health.

How do they help?

So what’s the point of these clinics? Part of it is to have fun, another part is about the general health and safety of your child.

They ease the fear of doctors’ appointments

Teddy bear clinics offer a chance for children to get familiar with what happens at a doctor’s office.  All of those scary people and shots don’t seem so scary anymore when children see them up close in a friendly environment with their favorite teddy bear at their side.

They teach healthy habits

As their teddy gets their check-up, the children will also learn more about exercise, proper nutrition, and other healthy habits that they can practice in their daily lives. The more they learn, the better off they’ll be in terms of their health.

Here at The Zoo Factory, we care deeply about the health of our children and our teddies. And if your child is looking for a new best friend, then take a look at all of the teddy bears—and other stuffable animals—that we provide. Just be sure they get their annual check-up!

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Why It’s OK to Have a Stuffed Animal as an Adult

Woman with Teddy Bear

Stuffed animals are often thought of as children’s toys that you discard once you’re older. When an adult does admit to having one, they’re often shamed for it, but it’s not something to be ashamed of—far from it. As it turns out, stuffed animals can actually help adults live healthier and happier lives.

Stuffed animals ease anxiety

Adulthood can be hectic, especially if you’re in your 20’s and just getting on your feet. It involves a lot of anxiety as you’re trying out new jobs and new places. Stuffed animals, however, due to our nostalgic and sentimental attachment to them, can bring a sense of security, easing all those pent-up, negative emotions and even helping us behave better.

They give us company

I think we can all agree that a stuffed animal is more than just a toy. Just like our pets or friends, we get attached to them, no matter our age. They provide us comfort when we need it most, and friendship when it’s in short supply. In adulthood this can be especially the case, but our old teddy can help with that, giving us company and something to care for.

Lots of adults still sleep with a stuffed animal

We pretend like keeping our stuffed animals into adulthood is strange, but it’s actually much more common than we realize. According to a 2017 study, 40% of adults in America still sleep with a stuffed animal at their side every night. So if you’re one of them, then you’re in good company.

At The Zoo Factory, we believe that you’re never too old for stuffed animals. Take a look at our stuffable animals to bring a new friend into your home today.