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Stuffed Animals as Healers

 stuffed animals

When you were sick as a kid your mom would keep you home from school and give you chicken noodle soup. She would also make sure you were tucked in tight with your favorite stuffed animal. Not because she wanted you to have him but because you wanted to have him. You felt safe and secure when your friend was around. Some kids feel more comfortable around their stuffed animals than they do around other people.

Why do stuffed animals make us feel so secure? They don’t judge us, and they provide comfort. They are there when we need them and they don’t tell us anything we did was wrong. They are the best of all worlds, especially when you have an imagination and can have a conversation with them while playing with your tea set. These reasons are why stuffed animals are great healers as well. They are not doctors or nurses and they do not actually provide medical healing but they do provide metal healing. If there is a sick child in the hospital, chances are they have a stuffed animal nearby. When they want to cry stuffed animals can wipe their tears dry. When they want to be alone, they don’t actually have to be alone.

Stuffed animals can provide more comfort than you could ever describe. This is why children become so attached to their stuffed animals. Being so young children cannot always convoy their emotions to an adult, but a stuffed animal can listen and they can say anything they want, they don’t have to censor their anger or their sadness.


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Giving Your Child “The Best Birthday Ever”


kids party ideas

Birthdays only come once a year, which feels like a decade to children. Each and every birthday should be celebrated to the full extent and treated like a once in a lifetime day, (except once a year)! When your children are young, their birthdays should be even more exciting. You are not only celebrating the day they were born, you are celebrating the 9 months that lead up to your miracle coming into the world, and because of their bad days you are celebrating not sending them away to military school. Make sure you celebrate the whole day and not just at the party, there are fun and inexpensive ways to make sure your little guy or girl feels special all day long, below are some of our favorite to keep the excitement going all day.

Balloon wall- after your child goes to sleep tape crepe paper to the door frame and fill it in with balloons. When your child wakes up and opens their door they will be greeted with a balloon wall!
Pancake…cake? – it already has cake in the name so why not use it to start the day?! Make a short stack and top it with a birthday candle, who says you only get to sing happy birthday once?
Lunch surprise- pack their favorite lunch with a special birthday note, don’t stop there wrap each part of the lunch like tiny little presents, unwrapping presents is one of the best parts to a birthday.
Decorate your vehicle- use washable window paint to let all the other drivers on the road know you have the birthday kid on board!
Pets can get in on the fun- if you have pet that would cooperate make a birthday hat for them to join on the fun