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5 Tips for Getting Your Kid to Clean Their Room

“Go clean your room!”

It’s something you say at least once a week, but chances are the last thing your kid does is go and clean their room. Even if they do listen to you, it’s likely after a lot of moaning and groaning, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some ways you can get your kid to clean their room without all of the yelling and groaning that’s usually involved.

Make it a game

If you make cleaning fun, chances are your kids are more likely to do it. To do this, try turning it into a game. For example, you can play “Last Thing on the Floor” where your child has to pick everything up off the floor within a certain time frame. You could also do make-believe maid in order to spark their imagination.

Set an example

Your child is less likely to clean their own room if they notice that you don’t clean yours. Instead, try to set a good example by keeping things clean and tidy around the house.

Help them out

If your child is on the younger side, it’s best to try and help them clean their room until they get used to it. Show them the ropes, then let them take over a little bit more each time. Just make sure that you don’t find yourself being the only one working while your kid is goofing off.

Have bins for their toys

The majority of the time, the reasons your kid’s room is messy is because they don’t pick up after themselves after playtime. So, try to have a storage system for all of your child’s toys and stuffed animals. Then, try and encourage them to clean up after themselves every time playtime is over so that there isn’t an enormous mess by the end of the week.

Use incentives

We don’t like to bribe our kids to clean their rooms, but sometimes a little candy or money afterward doesn’t hurt. You could even offer a reward for cleaning their room for entire month in order to keep them going.

With these ideas in mind, it should no longer be a battle to get your child to clean their room each week. Plus, once a room is cleaned, there’s plenty more space to store a few more toys or stuffable animals. So, if you’re looking to add a stuffable animal to your child’s collection, take a look at the selection we have at The Zoo Factory today!

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All About Stuffed Animal Therapy

September is National Recovery Month, a time meant to educate Americans on substance use treatment and mental health services. That’s why we at The Zoo Factory wanted to celebrate National Recovery Month by spreading the word about the benefits of stuffed animal therapy to those in need.

What is stuffed animal therapy?

With pet therapy, dogs or other animals help people recover from and manage their mental illnesses. Stuffed animal therapy works in similar ways. The comfort brought by a stuffed animal can soothe people after a traumatic event and can provide companionship when they need it most.

It helps people cope with trauma

Stuffed animals are often given to young children after a traumatic event like a car crash or surgery. Why? Because cuddling with a stuffed animal can often calm children down. The texture of the stuffed animal is comforting, and just the feeling of having a friend close by will help kids who feel isolated after a traumatic event.

It provides companionship

Many mental health issues can stem from a feeling of loneliness. Stuffed animals, however, can be a constant companion to someone in need. Even if you have days where you’re struggling to get out of bed, seeing your stuffed animal beside you may be exactly what you need to step out and get ready or the day.

You’re given something to care for

Just as stuffed animals can act as our companions, they’re also something that we can care for day in and day out. By being responsible for something, you’re given a purpose to get up and do your daily routine each day.

Needless to say, stuffed animals can be a great source of comfort to the people who need it most. So, if you or someone you know is going through some hard times, consider getting them a stuffable animal from The Zoo Factory.